Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Talmud

-The highest form of wisdom is kindness.
-You can educate a fool, but you cannot make him think.
-Wisdom is know what to do next, skill is know how to do it, and virtue is doing it.
-He that gives should never remember, he that receives should never forget.
-Hold no man responsible for what he says in his grief.
-Whoever destroys a single life is as guilty as though he had destroyed the entire world; and whoever rescues a single life earns as much merit as though he had the entire world.
-There are stars who's light only reaches the earth long after they have fallen apart. There are people who's remembrance gives light in this world, long after they have passed away. This light shines in our darkest nights on the road we must follow.
-If silence be good for the wise, how much better for fools.
-When you teach your son, you teach your son's son.
-Doubt cannot override a certainty.
-Sin is sweet in the beginning, but bitter in the end.
-Who is wise? One who learns from all.
-If one man says to thee, ''Thou art a donkey',' pay no heed. If two speak thus, purchase a saddle.
-The Divine Spirit does not reside in any except the joyful heart.
-Examine the contents, not the bottle.
-No labor, however humble, is dishonoring.
-Don't use the conduct of a fool as a precedent.
-Life is so short we must move very slowly.
-This is the punishment of a liar: he is not believed, even when he speaks the truth.
-More people die from over-eating than from undernourishment.
-Who is a hero? He who conquers his urges.
-Thy friend has a friend, and thy friend's friend has a friend; be discreet
-The parent who does not teach the child a useful trade is teaching him or her to steal.
-Do not decide that someone is good until you see how she or he acts at home.
-He whose wisdom exceeds his works, to what may he be likened? To a tree whose branches are numerous but whose roots are few. The wind comes along and uproots it and sweeps it down.

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